martes, 31 de marzo de 2009

drogada xD


Feliz Cumple Yamo y Georg

Georg Listing nació el 31 de marzo de 1987 en Halle (Alemania), y es el bajista de la banda y miembro de mayor edad. Siempre utiliza los bajos marca Sandberg, siendo sus favoritos el Basic PM y California PM.

Felices 22 años Bajista de mi banda favorita <3

31rst of march- 2008

My dear Yamu,

Happy Bithday my love! I love u so much and you know that. I don´t know if i´m wraiting all right.I know you, since we were 3 years. We were very little. I still keep all that memories in my heart, and I know that you too. You were with me in the sadness and in the happiness. You are my best friend.You are the only one that tell me the truth. You are always when I need you.Thank you for all. Thank you for be like you. Thank you for help me. Thank you for love me.Your party will be the best, because you are the most beautiful in the hole world, and because I will be there.I wanted to write a different letter, so I writed all in English.I love you and Happy fifteen, my love.

- Hoy te digo: felices 16 Yami hermosa

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2009